Performance Calendar

Zachary Burrows (he/him) is from Cornelius, NC, and began his dance training at UNC School of the Arts in Winston-Salem, NC, under the direction of Susan Jaffe and Brenda Daniels. He participated in summer programs with Nederlands Dans Theater, School of American Ballet, and GagaLab New York. Upon graduating high school, Zachary attended USC Glorya Kaufman School of Dance as a Trustee Scholarship recipient and performed works by William Forsythe and Merce Cunningham. He then transferred to The Juilliard School, where he has performed works by Hofesh Shechter, Trisha Brown, Ohad Naharin, Rena Butler, Jamar Roberts, and more. He has loved creating work for Student Choreographic Workshops and is proud to be a choreographer for Senior Production 2024. In the fall, Zachary will join The Batsheva Ensemble for their 2024-2025 season. Zachary is endlessly thankful to his given and chosen family and is approaching the future with curiosity and excitement.